Our Leadership Team
Darlene Roberts
Darlene Roberts and her husband Jeff have been Pastors of the House of Mercy for 25 years. Darlene was a teacher in the local school system before retiring in 2022. Jeff worked as a coal miner, Before becoming Pastor Darlene served as Associate Pastor under Bro. John Parks. They have been married for 46 years.
Carl Eldridge
Associate Pastor/Youth Leaders
Carl Eldridge and his wife Missy have been Associate Pastors of the House of Mercy for 15 years. They have also served as Youth Pastors for 20 years as well as Volunteer Coordinators of Barbourville Pentecostal Youth Camp in Barbourville, Ky. Carl works as a nurse at Baptist Health in Corbin, Ky. Missy works in the local school system. They have been married for 38 years.
Sunday School Teacher
Hubert “Junebug” Eldridge- Preteen Boys
Becky Hensley_ Adult Class
Devin Griffith- Adult class
Claudette Daniels- Teens
Julie Roberts-Beginners
Teresa Noe – Juniors
Kim Gross-Beginners
Board of Trustees
Russell Burkhart
Hubert “Junebug” Eldridge
Todd McGeorge
Will Daniels
Dewayne Saylor
David Noe
Raymond “Ju” Eldridge
Devin Griffith
This is Devin’s first year serving as Clerk for the House of Mercy. She also is a teacher for our Adult Sunday School class.
Rebecca Eldridge
Rebecca has been the Treasurer of the Church for
three years.
Church Elder
Marvin McGeorge
As a Church Elder Bro. Marvin is a pillar of the faith. His guidance and encouraging words have touched everyone that he has come in contact with. The church is so blessed to have him.
Young Adult Leaders
Dewayne and Laurie Saylor
This is Laurie and Dewaynes first year as Young Adult leaders. Laurie is also the piano player and a singer within the church. Dewayne is a board of trustees member and the sound man.
Sunday School Superintendent
Russell Burkhart
Russell has been Sunday School Superintendent for 5 years. He also serves as a board of trustee member/ His wife Amy serves in the church as a Sunday School teacher for the Preteen Girls.